Entries by Troy

How to Beat Application Tracking Systems

ATS systems are known to be inconsistent and ultimately inaccurate, making the job seeking process even harder for those who are unaware these systems are in place that allow businesses to fast-track their recruitment process. The chances of a qualified candidate being filtered out of the application process simply because the resume doesn’t align with the data that the ATS system is scanning for is as likely as the system rejecting an unsuitable resume based simply on how things are phrased and formatted.

Three things you need to know about LinkedIn’s Profile changes

As they say, third time’s the charm with LinkedIn introducing its third major change to your profile in as many years. The goal is to drive engagement, boost activity, and get members talking to each other. The changes might seem minor, but tweaking your profile to take advantage of the new algorithm could prove to be a move in the right direction for your career.

5 things you need to do to get a pay rise

Asking your employer for a pay rise is by far one of the most daunting scenarios for an employee, with less than 30 per cent of job seekers willing to negotiate pay at the interview stage, and less than 50 per cent of employees having never discussed salary negotiations throughout their career.

Why you should write a Failure Resume

Don’t dwell on how you felt when you received the news of a specific failure, only analyse and invent solutions to the reasons why you were perhaps ill-prepared. Some might find the process challenging; it’s easier to realise where and why you succeeded as opposed to where and why you failed.

The Future of the Resume

Future technologies will enable recruiters to determine behavioural signals from candidates that go as far as being able to identify their skills, passions, traits, and interests based on data. The assumption is that this data will provide recruiters with more detail on what drives a candidate, and thus make it easier to recruit specific talent for a specific role.

The History of the Resume

While it is not known who the first author of a resume was, we do know who was first credited with its use – the Italian artist and icon of the Renaissance – Leonardo da Vinci.

Effects of Applicant Personality on Resume Evaluations

Recent studies may suggest that your resume is not the only reason why you never received a call back or progressed to the next stage of the interview process. It could be a result of the impression your personality has made on your resume and how certain resume cues impact reviewer judgement.

Online Reputation Management (ORM): What is it and is it important?

Historically, to find out more about you, a prospective employer would read your resume and maybe if they were wanting to be extra thorough, they would call a few referees. Nowadays in the interconnected world we live in, potentially damaging elements of our past are ever easier to find and even harder to hide.

What is the STAR Method?

As a jobseeker you may have come across the term ‘STAR Method’ when asked to respond to a position’s selection criteria. For those of you who may not know, the STAR Method is a common way of structuring responses to selection criteria by linking your experience to the position you are applying for.

Do I Need My Address on My Resume?

When was the last time you recall sending someone a letter? Unless you enjoy stationery, I imagine it was quite some time ago, if ever. In today’s day and age, written correspondence by mail is highly uncommon, which begs the question: do you need your address on your resume?