Are you hoping that this year will be the year that you get the big promotion that catapults your career to the next level?
The reality is that unless you change something, nothing will change. As people say, keeping on doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome is a form of insanity.
Most people stay in the same job for decades hoping that they will eventually get to the top. This time-consuming strategy rarely pays off. People get to the top by switching jobs, up-skilling and building upon their track record.
The worst mistake you can make is to stay at a job for 5-10 years, without ever having interviewed, networked or connected meaningfully with people outside of your organisation.
At Executive Agents we see this error frequently. Clients come to us who have had their career hurt by staying too insulated and disconnected from their field, industry and other colleagues outside their employer. What often happens is when a layoff or sacking comes, these people feel completely isolated and alone, and don’t know where to begin to reach out, build a LinkedIn profile, network, interview, or achieve a new role that they’ll find satisfying.
Start 2018 anew. Take the actions necessary to get your career moving. Speak to an Executive Agent today.